Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This just in from John Forster

Hi Friends -

A note to let you know that "NOT ON THE TEST," a new satirical song I wrote with longtime collaborator Tom Chapin, airs THURSDAY morning on NPR's Morning Edition. It'll be coming out of a Larry Abramson story on school testing and will air at roughly 25 minutes past the hour (though they can't tell us WHICH hour). If you're listening to NPR tomorrow morning keep your ears peeled.

John Forster

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The All-Purpose Carol

You may enjoy this excerpt of The All-Purpose Carol, written and produced by a brilliant guy I've been privileged to work with a few times: John Forster, on a children's album by Tom Chapin, called Making Good Noise. This song was in a show called Both Barrels - which I piano/conducted in 1999, after Steve Orich musical directed. The rest of Making Good Noise is also brilliant, and it's now my kids' favorite.

It's That Time of Year...

Flashback to holiday fun with John Sawoski's 1997 WWW Christmas special

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Only Ten Times Better?

- sent by Gary Gray.


Not only does Gregg Marx have a great voice, but he's very funny, too. As the grandson of Gummo Marx, maybe it's in his genes.

Here are a few of the new expressions (with handy definitions) that we came up with while rehearsing for his recent nightclub performances:

Cha Cha Rubato - noun - 1. An energetic yet relaxed Latina friend. 2. A special, new musical groove.
Freely Galore - noun - 1. A woman who is not just James Bond's secretary. 2. Ubiquitous rubato sections in the music.
Cheeseball Adjacent - adjective - Borderline unhip (inspired by uninspiring yet authentic sheet music.)

Many more neologisms to come.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So you love music?

Well, you picked a good planet.

You can't get away from music anywhere on Earth. Especially singers.

Here in this blog, The Wit and Wisdom of Singers and Musicians, we'll be talking in particular about the experiences of singers and musicians in musical theatre and concert, and checking out their cleverness.

I'm John Sawoski, pianist and musical director, and I have the privilege to be your host. I hope you can spend a few moments here from time to time.